de Stress, Vivre Mieux!
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....Your guide to an easier , more enjoyable life. |
Christian Worth
Kill the Blues
and bite into the future!
Tips to live with
Less Stress
Less Stress More Success Coaching
& Workshops
"Less Stress, More Success" The book
Testimonials from clients..
You are welcome to ask for references from these clients.
English language
" A very positive experience that helped me to think through a series of challenging situations at work, and to take immediate actions - with excellent results
" I suppose the acid test is that I would definitely like to work with you again in the future"
Richard Washington - NatWest Private Banking
see full testimonial
"Coaching brought me clarity in my approach to work and my personal life"
Jeremy Hall -
" My coaching experience gave me some order out of all the chaos. It helped me focus on and progress towards what is most important to me.
It also gave me methods of dealing with the people and situations which 'sunk' me. I am feeling happier now than I have been in years."
Juliette Heppenstall.
"Coaching has been a tremendously positive experience and helped me re-focus on my strengths
which has led to an increased creativity/productivity in both my business and private life.
Christian's support has played a vital role in the process."
Marijke van Welie - U.K
" And the effects are still going on 15 months after the last Coaching session. Thanks!"
Marijke van Welie - U.K
"Christian helped me to select my most important objective, to concentrate on it and he helped me go faster, further and for better results"
Olivier Kaulek - CEO - France
"Since I started with Christian, nearly 6 months ago, I have become a lot more organised and efficient professionally. I have created a set of long term plans and am following through on my plans"
Coen de Groot - Coach and WebMaster -
"In three months of coaching Christian Worth has helped to bring a greater sense of perspective to my life and work. Christian is extremely adept at boiling down life's challenges to their constituent parts and providing simple and effective advice to enable them to be met. Christian has already had a significant, beneficial impact on the way I work. "
Tim Edge - Development Manager - U.K.
"I found that coaching with Christian enabled me to reach goals more quickly than I would have thought possible. It was an incredibly positive experience. For me , the process involved questioning some of my basic assumptions about life and work. This enabled me to look at things from a different angle and feel empowered to move forwards. I would recommend coaching to anyone who wants more out of life and work and is willing to put the effort in to achieve it."
Angela Tanner. Arun District Council
"Christian proved to be a "professional friend" when I needed it most.
Understanding and comforting, he helped me find my own way through the maze of problems when I felt ovewhelmed. A support that I could always rely upon and Christian showed me an ability to turn things around by looking at them differently."
Melinda Cherrett 1/2003
Go By Coach!
If you're fed up with life, and feel you have nothing to offer the world, but are nevertheless stuck in a tedious job, then you MUST consider using the services of a Life Coach. He/she will not solve your problems ( only you can do that) but will share them with you, and be like a human guardian angel, sitting on your shoulder (metaphorically)and gently nudging you to think and act positively towards achieving the goal of a better job/lifestyle. Christian's patient, long-suffering attitude during our weekly phone calls was a real blessing to me. Not only did he listen attentively, he provided concrete methods of diffusing problem situations, and helped me enormously in focusing on how my ideas might be interpreted by the other party - something I had not stopped to think about at all. He even gave me the sort of phrases I could use to make myself believable! Now you don't get that kind of help from any book! For anyone who is trying to change their life for the better, I would say, Go By Coach! You will certainly not regret it.
Barbara H. Evans.1-2003
"Coaching - A reflectionYou never know until you've tried. With one-thousand-and-one things on my plate I nearly didn't bother and that would have been a missed opportunity.Christian Worth coached me for half-an-hour a week, from the beginning of November to the end of term. Christian acted as my mentor rather than my coach, and in the time he got to know me challenged my views of work, people, the use of language and horizons. His unobtrusive, positive and well-judged opinions concentrated on analytical methods of assessing situations, leaving aside the anecdotal remarks that make little long term impression on the recipient. Work related topics dominated our weekly telephone conversations. My concerns, disappointments, ambitions, goals and choices were discussed, analysed and given direction for eventual resolution. Christian's "nose" for attacking THE THINGS THAT HOLD US BACK IN LIFE made itself felt from the very outset. Being the "doer" meant turning into the "thinker". Giving myself time to think sometimes meant an overhaul in the way I dealt with people and used my environment. Between our weekly telephone conversations the act of resolving issues, enjoying work and putting into action new strategies made me feel good with myself and grateful for Christian's support.Christian Worth has great gifts of communication and understanding and I've been lucky to enjoy the benefit of his brain and vast experience of work and life. I know that I've only had a smattering of what he has to offer as a mentor but the benefits have overflowed into this term and my time at Worth has been enriched because of it."
Andrew Baars.Assistant Director of Music. Worth School.
You know as well as I that I couldn't have done without your coaching through my most difficult time
French language
"La découverte du Coaching a été pour moi un vrai cadeau du ciel.
Le Coaching est arrivé dans ma vie lors d'un grand moment de remise en question et fut un support essentiel dans cette période de transition.
J'ai appris à ne plus me disperser, à recentrer mon énergie, à aller à l'essentiel, à voir et à vivre ma vie de façon positive. Le Coaching m'a aussi donné un petit coup de pouce bien nécessaire en période de doute.
Merci Christian, il y a de vous dans cette nouvelle Valérie"
Valérie Tanghe
"Mon expérience de coaching avec Christian Worth a été plus qu'enrichissante plusieurs niveaux. Tout d'abord de façon très concrète, elle m'a permis d'apprendre des outils et des méthodes qui m'ont très vite permis d' optimiser mon travail au quotidien (lacunes que je tentais de cacher sans oser demander de l'aide à mes supérieurs ou collaborateurs).
D'autre part, sur un plan plus relationnel, elle m'a ouvert les yeux sur un certain nombre de mes dysfonctionnements, en les mettant en relation avec des peurs ou angoisses plus profondes que j'avais sans forcément le savoir.
Enfin, le coach a su m'accompagner, se mettre à mon rythme par des exercices pratiques et des questions ou citations qui m'ont fait avancer tant pendant qu'après les séances."
David Revah - 2002
Je voudrais particulièrement te remercier pour l'excellence de ton Coaching. Comme je te l'ai dit j'étais sceptique quant a l'utilité et plus, au résultat. J'avoue que durant ces sessions avec toi tu m'as fait réfléchir aux directions et actions a prendre durant cette phase critique de ma vie professionnelle mais aussi personnelle. Je n'hésiterai pas à te contacter de nouveau dans un prochain avenir.
Alain Moreau
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